Ed eccoci quì. Il 2010 è proprio finito.
Sono successe tante, tantissime cose. Bellissime, ma anche meno belle.
Una nonnina non c'è più. Ci saranno gli angeli a proteggerla. Lo so.
In arrivo però ci sono tante good news, I can feel it. Because every time something bad happens, a wonderful is coming.
Our new house for example.
That's almost ready, missing very little.
And day after day is more and more wonderful (you can not say, I know, but it's so wonderful that I take a nice license .....).
And day after day, when we look at we are always happier.
so happy that I could not help but cook the biscuits for happiness.
I call them "biscuits of Happiness" because when you eat them you can not help but smile.
Happy 2011 to everyone with the heart.
- 400g flour
00 - 100 g potato starch
- 200 g butter
175g sugar - 1 egg
100g cream - 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 / 2 packet yeast
- 1 pinch salt
Mix all the ingredients form a ball quickly (as does the x pastry tart, for instance).
Let stand in refrigerator for 30 min.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to form the cutters with the cookies. Making a mold
normal and another with a hole, using a wooden spoon.
then put on full Formina a little jam in the middle (I have made with pure chocolate, a pleasure!) And the biscuit sopvrapporre col buco.
Forno a 180 ° x 15 - 20 minuti