Monday, January 31, 2011

Buy A Bmx For 30 Dollars

Zurletti Trofarello

dense snow mixed with rain and mud so are the features the 33 rd ed. Trophy & Zurletti halo which was held yesterday in Trofarello, Sunday, January 30, 2011.
Despite the weather, over 600 "impassive" athletes have ventured along the circuit path in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bTrofarello. Ritch nervous and versatile, made exciting by the placement of additional entities on the track, the last 300 meters were in fact characterized by the transition to a trunk and two wooden bridges made slippery by snow, one of which conformed to the pyramid. A beautiful sight!
And they gave a good show runners Athletics Cumiana Stilcar. To begin the master race between good men and George Caudera Gaetano Camalleri . And then the women's race which saw eight girls at the start. Before class Mirella Cabodi followed by Alma Rrika 4 ° and 6 ° Elena Ardito. Isabella Cats she first in their category, Mariangela Grosso 6 th, 8 th Ada Bichi, Marika Mazzarol 9 ° and 13 ° Silvia Cuffini .
The result of the girls has enabled the company to place women high on the provincial list, follow the next race ... I think we will see some good!



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