Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poswal Hai Transplant

Cucinando con... le erbe aromatiche, il contest!!!


Here we are finally here, I'm happy to announce our strategic beautiful and brand new contest, a contest organized by many hands, which has finally met the beautiful and talented bloggers who day every day in the kitchen and test themselves on the network. Let me a little stain to ... eheheh

Beyond the jokes, I'm really happy to present this real "cooking competition", which sees me as judges and those other dear friends:

Ma i protagonisti più importanti sono Riccardo e Valentina, di Cucinando , un negozio a dir proprio meraviglioso, per noi amanti della buona cucina una vera "Mecca"!

Riccardo e Valentina hanno avuto la splendida idea di aprire uno shop on line , da oggi potremo visitarlo e comprare da casa tutti loro articoli di casalinghi.

Tutto ciò con l'ausilio della WMF , azienda che molti di voi gia conosceranno, per la qualità, la versatilità e la bellezza dei loro utensili per la cucina. Proprio la WMF mette per l'occasione in palio tre premi, che potranno esser vinti partecipando al concorso che vi descrivo ora.

  • PRIMO PREMIO : Vitalis (sistema innovative cooking aromatic steam)
  • SECOND PRIZE: TWO Bowls with silicon base of 24 cm in diameter

  • THIRD PRIZE: Thermometer steel
Here are the contest rules:

recipes will have as a main ingredient of any herb of your choice. Herbs are a key ingredient in the kitchen, lending flavor, taste and "beauty" to our dishes, so as we use it daily for our preparations are a great idea for a contest!

amaze us, please, because the three best recipes will be rewarded !!!!!

The jury will consist of me, the blogger that I have described above, and of course Richard and Valerie, and obviously we will not take part .... we will characterize Objectivity! (I'm also a poet ....)

We foodbloggers at this time we will just suggest some recipes, which will always protagonists herbs ..

The competition is open to all bloggers, not the important thing is the passion for good food!

Holders blog will post the recipe right with photos by including this banner and link it here , Pippi's blog, a blog that diventarà real archive / bin:

instead Who does not have a blog you do not miss mood, it can send the recipe to me ( valentina.brida @ or directly to Pippi ( laurad66 @ )

order to avoid disparities will be sufficient to participate in one recipe

person at the end of the collection also will be a nice PDF alization, in which array will be present all the recipes that have participated in the contest.

Now we have to invent a billion recipes with our popular herbs and may the best win!

Ah! I forgot the most important thing .... The competition starts today, Monday, March 7, 2011 and expires on May 7, 2011 .




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