Thursday, March 10, 2011

Red Scabs Inside Nose

Sacher alla ciliegia

Why then is not so clear, or rather, I'll be ignorant (in the sense that I do not know ....) but I have not really figured that with jam making 'is blessed Sacher Torte. The recipe wants all'abicocca with jam, I know, but when I tasted it I realized that the cherry is just a good fight.
Before now I had never ventured into this preparation "traditional" because I always have some fear of the great classics. In fact, the preparation is a bit longish, but I assure you that there's really nothing "transcendental" is not difficult, you only need so much patience in waiting time between a step and another.

I do, I start? Be advised that This time the recipe is also accompanied by a gallery of photos .... :)

Sacher cake with cherry

Ingredients for 8 people:

For the sponge cake with chocolate:
  • 8 eggs 150 g sugar
  • 150 gr flour 150 gr butter
  • 250 g dark chocolate 75%
  • 1 pinch salt

For the filling and the topping:

  • 300 gr cherry jam (I used the sugar-free )
  • 120 ml water smooth
  • 220 g sugar 250 g dark chocolate
  • 70%


Melt chocolate in water bath and butter. Assemble the red eggs with the flour and add the mixture just melted. Whisk the egg whites very firmly with the sugar and incorporate it in red.

Pour into a pan of 26 cm diameter precede buttered and lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 50-55 min, depend on your oven.


Let the cake cool completely, cut it in half and stuff it with 200 grams of jam.


Ricomporre la torta e spennellarla con la restante marmellata.


Lasciar riposare quindi per circa 30 min su una gratella. A questo punto preparare la glassa.
In un pentolino versare l'acuqua con lo zucchero e far bollire per circa 5 minuti (dall'inizio del bollore). Nel frattempo sciogliere sempre a bagnomaria 200 gr di cioccolato. Unire i due composti e girarli molto velocemente. Sempre velocemente versare la glassa sulla torta, facendo in modo che venga ricoperta tutta.


A questo punto far raffreddare (meglio se in frigo) e attendere altri 30 minuti.
La glassa deve praticamente solidificare. Sciogliere quindi il restante cioccolato e con l'aiuto di un conetto di carta o di questo aggeggio meraviglioso (si chiama DECOPEN , è di una comodità incredibile, e potete trovarlo QUI' ) scrivere la parola "SACHER" sulla torta.


Servire la "Sacher" fredda.



ps. ho utilizzato per la lavorazione della glassa questa bellissima ciotola , che ho comprato QUI' è della WMF , ed è anche uno dei premi in palio per il contest " Cucinando....con le erbe aromatiche " che scade il 7 Maggio.
It also has the spout, and I found it ideal to pour the icing on the cake after it is mixed ... ;)

ps2 thanks for the kind collaboration

  • mom's cooking, without which I could never cook anything in these six months.
  • My little sister, without whom my life would not make sense, and thanks to which you have these photos and this wonderful glaze. : D

PS3 with this recipe I participate in the contest Mariacristina " jam passion "....



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